Rendering for New Construction in Denver The Denver real estate market has seen an influx of new home builders in response to the shortage of homes for sale in Denver.  As I specialize in new construction in Denver, many of my clients know they want new construction, but don’t understand the different options.  There are now a variety of options for new construction in Denver, most of which fall into three main categories: Custom Homes, New Home Communities (also known as Tract Homes), and Spec Homes.  Like most things in life, all have pros and cons, so it all depends on what is best for you.

I created a breakdown of the differences between them, including the pros and cons.

Custom Homes

Fully Custom Homes are designed and built for an individual. You will never hear the word "No",…

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Mid-century modern is making a huge comeback.  Whether it's an entire mid-century modern home or just furniture, people love this style.  Clean simplicity inspired by nature - what’s not to love? We recently completed a brand new mid-century modern home in Denver for one of my clients and we could not be happier with this custom build home!  Countless real estate agents, neighbors and even builders have asked me about the project so I wanted to create a custom build home guide for mid-century modern home design.  Custom build homes can be an overwhelming thing to take on, but by making informed decisions upfront, you will end up with an amazing home like this in the end!

Custom Build Home - Mid Century Modern HomeMid-Century Modern Home Design - Floor Plans & More
Mid-century modern homes emphasize…

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Denver New Construction Home - Feaster RealtyLike many cities, Denver is in the midst of an urban revival, resulting in Denver's huge uptick in brand new construction homes and pop top homes. As a Denver real estate agent that specializes in this, I often field questions regarding scraping and building a new home or popping the top on an existing home.  The answer depends on your priorities, but here a few helpful things to make an informed decision.

Why Pop the Top of a House?

As I see it, the biggest advantage of popping the top of an existing home, is the fact that it allows you to keep part of that home. This is a huge positive for home buyers that love homes with historic charm, but want a larger or more up-to-date version of a home with history.  Building restrictions in historic…

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